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Nickel-Plated Quick Reference Guide
Solid Bushings | Solid Rollers | Superior Capacity Plus | High Grade Alloy Steel | All Shot Peened Parts | Specially Treated Pins & Bushings

Maxco Nickel-Plated chains are used in mildly corrosive environments such as outdoors. Carbon steel Nickel-Plated chain is plated before assembly to ensure complete protection of all parts while providing maximum strength. Maxco Nickel-Plated chains are manufactured with solid rollers and solid bushings to extend chain life. Nickel-plated attachment chains are also available. Zinc-plated chains are also available upon request.

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No. (1)
Pitch Roller Pin Plate Overall Width Transverse
Load (lbs) (29)
Strength (lbs) (30)
Weight Per Foot (lbs)
Dia. Width Dia. Height Thickness
A (3)B (6)W (7)D (8)H (10)T (14)L1 (19)L2 (20)G (27)Riveted (31)
MAXCO 25-NP* 1/4 0.130 1/8 0.0905 0.236 0.030 0.150 0.185 - 140 1,050 0.09
MAXCO 35-NP* 3/8 0.200 5/16 0.141 0.347 0.050 0.233 0.267 - 480 2,400 0.23
MAXCO 41-NP•• 1/2 0.306 1/4 0.141 0.386 0.050 0.266 0.312 - 500 2,600 0.27
MAXCO 40-NPMAXCO 40-2-NP 1/2 0.312 3/16 0.156 0.4570.457 0.060 0.3230.603 0.3540.645 -0.567 8101,370 4,3008,600 0.400.82
MAXCO 50-NPMAXCO 50-2-NP 5/8 0.400 3/8 0.200 0.5710.571 0.080 0.4000.752 0.4450.803 -0.712 1,4002,380 7,20014,400 0.671.36
MAXCO 60-NPMAXCO 60-2-NP 3/4 0.469 1/2 0.234 0.6890.689 0.094 0.5000.945 0.5481.000 -0.898 1,9503,315 10,00020,000 0.981.98
MAXCO 80-NPMAXCO 80-2-NP 1 0.625 5/8 0.312 0.9210.921 0.125 0.6281.201 0.7501.319 -1.153 3,3005,610 17,60035,400 1.693.42
MAXCO C 2040-NP 1 0.312 5/16 0.156 0.450 0.060 0.323 0.378 600 4,300 0.32
MAXCO C 2050-NP 1 - 1/4 0.400 3/8 0.200 0.591 0.080 0.400 0.467 1,000 7,200 0.55
MAXCO C 2060H-NP 1 - 1/2 0.469 1/2 0.234 0.670 0.125 0.565 0.657 1,400 12,300 0.93
MAXCO C 2080H-NP 2 0.625 5/8 0.312 0.890 0.156 0.699 0.829 2,400 20,200 1.56
Dimensions in inches & pounds

* – Rollerless Chain: Roller Diameter “B” is identical to the bushing diameter, as these chains have no rollers
•• – Split Bushing Chains

SpecificationsStandard Length Packaging